- Oreoi - N. Pirgos - Pefki - Asminio - Avyaria - Galatsona
Gerakiou - Gouves Agriovotano - Ellinika - Vasilika
of interest
castle of Drosini at Gouves
The Zoological Museum of the Hunting Association where there are many
different species of stuffed animals and birds.
The beautiful wooded area of Saint Nicholas.
The Folklore Collection of Nikos Sinasos at the 1st primary School.
The church of Saint Nicholas with fine murals.
The ruins of a Venetian Castle at Oreous.
The beautiful area of «Nisiotissa» at Neos Pirgos.
Archaeological Collection at Oreous which includes important sculptures
and ceramics from the classical and Hellenistic Periods, housed in the
Local Council building.
The Sanctnary at Mikro and Megalo Livari at Istiaia.
The castle of Drosini at Gouves open during the summer season.