Introduction Modern man has become imprisoned in the enormous urban blocks of flats and the crowded high - rise buildings which he himself has created and has upset the balance in his relationship with nature, his fellow men and even himself. Traveling is the ideal means of escaping from ordinary every day life which depresses him, since he has given himself up to making money and indulging in material pleasures.
Evia, the island of Evripos, because of its geographical position, is the most accessible place for one to escape to, in a sport time, from Athens, the largest city and capital of Greece. It may be accessible, but at the same time, it remains mysterious. Starting out on a tour of Evia, one must cultivate the ideals of a Ulysses, in order toy get to know the manifest and hidden beauties. Evia during the Prehistoric and Early historic periods Evia during the Byzantine and Roman Period and the Turkish Occupation |
Evia Evia during the Prehistoric and Early historic periods Evia during the Byzantine and Roman Period and the Turkish Occupation |