| Crash Twinsanity Encounter wacky enemies and immersive environments in Crash Bandicoot´s craziest and funniest adventure ever.
A new evil has invaded the island paradise of Crash Bandicoot with sinister plans of destruction. In a strange twist, Crash reluctantly pairs with his arch-enemy, Dr. Neo Cortex, in order to save his world. Through this unorthodox partnership, Crash Twinsanity introduces an insanely humorous twist to platform gaming.
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 | Bird Bird is an evolutionary action-adventure game where the character is born an egg and develops into a magnificent winged beast. The ancestral bird has been captured by Bzz the Hornet, in the pay of Gargh the Yeti. The eggs have also been stolen, but the wasps lost them in the valley...You must find all the eggs before the wasps get hold of them. Good luck!
Features :
- 3 stages of evolution: egg, fledgling, young bird - 14 levels of progression - 3 different environments: the tree, the river, the ruins of Bongo - Various enemies: wasps, piranhas, crabs, greenfly, snakes - Bird can hop, glide and spit out seeds - 5 languages available - Save option - Player nickname
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 | Buffy the Vampire Slayer Drusilla has captured Oz, and is using him as bait to lure Buffy. She wants to take on the famous Vampire Slayer from Sunnydale, and destroy her once and for all. Play as the Buffy the Vampire Slayer - kicking demon butt ! Walk, run, climb, and jump through 5 levels of a spooky castle on your way to rescue Oz!
(TM)&Β© 2005 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. Β© 2005 Indiagames Ltd.
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 | Ninjack Ninjack is a game mixing action and platforms with a dose of exploration.You are Ninjack, a charismatic ninja, whose wife was kidnapped. With his mastery of martial arts and his sharp shurikens, He has to put on his guard against dangers which will stand on his way. Enemies have differents behaviors but everyone is agressive!You have to find all the keys in order to reach the ultimate level, and deliver your sweetheart.
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 | Garfield in Dreamland Help Garfield jump from one cloud to the next and reach his beloved Pooky, who is at the end of the level. Along the way, do not forget to collect food items to feed him.Be careful of rain, lightning, and snow clouds, it is not good for garfieldΒ’s health if he stay on them for too long. He must pass all levels and reach the food dreamland - a utopia of food beyond all of his wildest imaginations!
Β© 2005 PAWS. All Rights Reserved. Β© 2005 Indiagames Ltd.
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